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May 7, 2024

EICHER Declared As A Well-Known Mark

We are pleased to report that ALG has advised and assisted its client, Eicher GoodEarth India Private Limited (EGIPL) in successfully having its trademark and house-mark EICHER declared as a well-known trademark in India and included in the list of well-known trademarks. The mark has been published in the Trademarks Journal under Rule 124 (5) of the Trade Marks Rules, 2017.

The ‘well-known’ declaration further strengthens EGIPL’s rights in the EICHER mark and is a significant milestone in its protection and enforcement. This accomplishment underscores the rigorous and stringent process involved, including thorough scrutiny of evidence supporting EGIPL’s rights and overcoming objections.

Achieving the ‘well-known trademark’ status is a testament to the exceptional reputation and brand recognition of ‘EICHER’ and ALG is delighted to have been a part of EGIPL’s journey in achieving this much deserved recognition. 

Available at: https://www.algindia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Intellectual-Property-India.pdf

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