Application for Attorney Position
1. Select the Category of Attorney Position (Select only one option):
General IP
Corporate Commercial
Are you a Patent Agent:
Patent Agent Registration Number*
Year of Patent Agent Registration*
Patent Agent Registration till (year)*
If you are not a Registered Patent Agent, then you must have a degree (graduation or post-graduation) in science to proceed with this application. Please provide the particulars of your last such degree in science:
Name of Degree / Program *
Specialization / Hons. *
University / Institute *
Year of Degree / Program *
Cumulative Percentage/Grade/CGPA/CPI * /  (Highest/Maximum Possible)
* I understand that I will be required to upload a scanned copy of the Transcript / Mark-sheets / Degree if my application is shortlisted and that I may later be required to have the original verified if I am given an opportunity to complete my application.
2. Select Designation Level for Attorney Position (Select at least one option):
Trainee Associate : Currently position open for candidates with more than 6 months of experience and upto 1 year of experience.(Fixed Retainer Fee + Incentive Scheme: Negotiable Fixed Retainer Fee)
Associate (if you have been in IP law practice for at least 12 months): Fixed Retainer Fee + Incentive Scheme: Negotiable Fixed Retainer Fee.
Senior Associate Designee (if you have been in IP law practice for at least 36 months with a law firm of which at least 24 months have been in IP law practice): Fixed Retainer Fee + Incentive Scheme: Negotiable Fixed Retainer Fee.
Practice Interest (Specialisation by way of interest and/or background) as ‘Senior Associate Designee’ – Select one option:
Biotechnology Patents
Pharmaceuticals & Medical Patents
Electronics & Electrical Patents
Chemical Patents
Mechanical Patents
Telecommunication Patents
3. Current / License / Eligibility for License (Select only one option):
I am a Final Year Law Student graduating in next twelve (12) months with BCI accredited Law Degree
I have BCI accredited law degree
Name of Law Degree Program*:
Name of University/Law School*:
I have taken CLAT Exam       Yes       No
Official Email Address of Dean of Placements, else nearest functional equivalent (which ALG may contact concerning your application)*
I have a Certificate of Practice (CoP) with Bar Council of with Enrolment No.
I have a Certificate of Enrolment (CoE) with Bar Council of with Enrolment No.
Currently working Part Time Currently working since    
Currently on a break since    
4. Joining:
I can join anytime during or after :
I declare that before the first date of the above selected month I have or expect to have been formally relieved from the University / College after completion of all my course-work credits and other requirements including submission of dissertation, projects, assessment tests, etc.
[You will automatically be considered for all possible joining dates thereafter till the date of expiry of your application, which is 12 months from the date of your application.]
5. Personal:
Full Name*
Mobile Number*
Preferred Pronoun*
Personal Email*
Place of Birth
Date of Birth*
Current Address*
Permanent Address*
Same as Current Address
Different from Current Address
6. Past Association with ALG (Select at least one option):
Interned with the firm.
Associated as an Attorney with the Firm.
Associated as an Administrator with the Firm.
No Past Association
7. Publications & Writing Samples:
7.7A. Publications
7(1)7A(1). Your publications:
Citation (including Year):
URL (at which publicly available):
[Upload only if URL not available. Upload Limit: 4MB]
7B. Writing Samples
7B(1). Your writing samples (strictly and entirely self-authored essays with no plagiarism and no copyright violation, written in academic style with references, on topics/issues pertaining to law, of 400-5000 words):
Upload [Upload size limit: 4MB]
8. Skill, Experience, and Education:
8A. Programming Languages:
8B. Natural Languages (other than English) you can read as well as write:
8C. Computer Software (other than Office Suite and Acrobat, which are prerequisites) you can use with proficiency:
8D. Work-Experience (of at least 3 months) :
8D(1). Category:
Start Date
Designation (on Start Date)
End Date
Designation (on End Date)
Practice Area /Specialization / Field of Law

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8E. Internships (of at least 4 weeks) :
8E(1) Category:
Start Date
End Date
8F. Educational Degrees / Programs / Qualifications (other than law graduation degree) :
8F(1). Name of Degree / Program
Specialization / Hons.
University / Institute
Year of Degree/Program
Cumulative Percentage/Grade/CGPA/CPI / (Highest/Maximum Possible) till date (even if program/course is not yet complete)
I understand that I will be required to upload a scanned copy of the Transcript / Mark-sheets / Degree if my application is shortlisted and that I may later be required to have the original verified if I am given an opportunity to complete my application.
8G. Verifiable record of public service (community/ volunteering/ education/ government/ military)

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9. Miscellaneous:
9A. ALG strives for diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity in work place. You are welcome to share any details you think may be relevant.

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9B.* Identify a provision of patent law to amend and provide the amended version. Justify it. [Note: Justification to be in 195-205 words. The identification and the amended version are not included within word count]

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9C.* Write your intellectual autobiography. (195-205 words)

205 words left
9D.Any additional information (awards/certifications/achievements/other) you consider relevant to this application and wish to provide

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