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June 26, 2024

Comment: Whether Computer Programs Developed By Educational Institutions Should Be Freely Accessible For Research And Academic Purposes?

Author: Richa Pushpam

The issue of making computer programs developed by educational institutions openly accessible for research and academic purposes is a nuanced one and it involves a delicate balance between protecting intellectual property and fostering the progress of technology. While these programs are indeed creations of intellectual labor and deserve protection under copyright laws, there are compelling arguments in favor of making them freely accessible. This author believes that doing so aligns with the principles of knowledge dissemination, fosters innovation, promotes inclusivity in education, and stimulates economic growth as well as global competitiveness.

The essence of academia lies in the dissemination of knowledge and the collective advancement of human understanding. By restricting access to educational programs through stringent copyright protection, we risk impeding the progress of research. Research is inherently a collaborative endeavor, and the ability to share and build upon each other’s work is fundamental to scientific progress. Stringent copyright protection creates barriers to this collaboration, while open access removes these barriers, allowing researchers from around the world to work together more effectively. This collaboration can lead to significant breakthrough inventions at an accelerated pace that might not be possible in a restrictive environment. Countries that embrace open access policies for educational resources are likely to see a boost in their competitive edge in the digital age, as they foster environments conducive to cutting-edge research and development.

Providing open access to computer programs is particularly beneficial for financially disadvantaged researchers. High costs of proprietary software and resources can be prohibitive, limiting access to foundational tools necessary for conducting research. By making these programs freely available, educational institutions can nurture a diverse pool of talent, enabling researchers from all backgrounds to contribute to technological and scientific advancements. This inclusivity is crucial for driving innovation and ensuring that a wide range of perspectives are represented in research. Educational institutions are often funded by public resources, implying a degree of public investment in the development of these programs. As such, there’s a moral imperative to ensure that the fruits of this investment contribute to the greater societal good.

Granting free access to computer programs can maximize their utility, enabling researchers, students, and educators to leverage them for innovative projects. Therefore, educational institutions should provide open access to their computer programs owing to its numerous benefits such as promotion of knowledge dissemination, inclusivity in education, scientific progress, economic growth, and global competitiveness. By embracing open access, educational institutions can uphold their ethical responsibilities and contribute to the collective advancement of human understanding.

Disclaimer: Views, opinions, interpretations are solely those of the author, not of the firm (ALG India Law Offices LLP) nor reflective thereof. Author submissions are not checked for plagiarism or any other aspect before being posted.

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