Manish Kumar
Associate (General IP)
Areas of Interest
- IP Authorities; Trademark Office Practice & Procedure; Trademark Examination Guidelines & Manual;IP-Law Courts & Tribunals as a Place Versus a Service; Specialized Versus General Courts For IP; Tribunalization of IP; Challenges & Opportunities in the Indian Vernacular Languages Serving as Language of Courts & Regulators in IP Matters; IP-Law Practice in English in India Itself as IP; Judicial Reforms in the Context of IP Matters; The Case For and Against Specialized Judges for IP Matters
Licenses, Accreditations, Internships & Education
- B.A. LLB (Hons.), National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi
- General Course on Intellectual Property [DL-101] by WIPO Academy
- Course on Intellectual property by Dr. Yogesh Pai, SWAYAM
- What if Kishore Kumar or Muhammad Rafi were to perform live post death: A Deepdive into The Hologram Technology, Manupatra, Nov 23, 2022
- Patent Waiver or Compulsory Licensing, exploring the best possible solution to deal with vaccine shortage woes, The Daily Guardian, June 8th, 2021
- The desecration of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan: An Analysis, NUJS SILP, , Sept 15th, 2021
- Who Blemished the Virtue of the Court? Bhushan or the Court Itself?, NUALS Law Review, Sept 16th, 2020
- Social Security Code: The Solution to the Plights of the delivery boys?, South Asia Law Journal, April 27th, 2021
- The Hindu Woman’s right in Coparcenary Property: A Critical analysis with reference to the Vineeta Sharma v. Rakesh Sharma Judgment, Manupatra, March 19th, 2021
Participation in Firm Management
- Responsibility for facilitating the General IP Internships for Final Year and Pre-Final Year students.
- English
- Hindi