Megha Hurkat
Trainee Associate (General IP)
Areas of Interest
- IP & Incentivization; IP & Technology-Industry and Development; Market Forces & IP; Market Saturation of Technologies & IP; Ethics & AI; Personhood & Accountability of AI; Assets & Liabilities Created by AI; Competition Policy & FRAND Licensing; Industry Standards & IP; SEPs & Technological Development; Designs& Patents: Protecting Functionality in Designs; Universality in IP & Territorial Resolution of IP Disputes.
Licenses, Accreditations, Internships & Education
- B.A.LL.B. (Hons.), Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar.
- General Course on Intellectual Property, World Intellectual Property Organization.
- Certificate Course on Data Protection and Cyber Security Laws.
- A blog titled “AI Brushstrokes Beyond the Canvas: Charting the Ownership and Authorship under Copyright Laws” in NLIU Law and Technology Blog (2023).
- A blog titled “Attaching the Invisible Strings: NFTs, Copyright Laws and Ownership rights”, published in CIIPR’s Law & Tech Times Blog, RGNUL, (2022).
- A research paper titled “False Confessions Induced by Police: An analysis” published in Indian Journal of Integrated Research in Law [ISSN No.- 2583-0538] (2021)
Participation in Firm Management
- Responsibility for facilitating the General IP Internships for Final Year and Pre-Final Year students.
- English
- Hindi