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July 4, 2024

Practice Work Shop (PWS) On “Whether manufacturer’s intellectual property rights disproportionally restrict the right to repair?”

Featuring: Nivrati Gupta

During last week’s Practice Work Shop (PWS), Nivrati Gupta, Associate hosted a discussion on “Whether manufacturer’s intellectual property rights disproportionally restrict the right to repair?”. The session revolved around the members discussing whether manufacturers’ intellectual property rights disproportionately restrict the right to repair. The session discussed how technology companies often limit access to parts, manuals, and software to protect their IP, arguing this is necessary for quality control and innovation. However, the members debated whether current IP enforcement strategies unfairly constrain independent repair services, harming consumer choice and convenience. The discussion emphasized the need to balance IP protections with consumer rights, manufacturer rights and environmental concerns, and considered potential reforms to patent, trademark, and copyright law to enable a more sustainable repair ecosystem.

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