Featuring: Sanjukta Kaushik
During last week’s Practice Work Shop (PWS) Session, Sanjukta Kaushik, Trainee Associate, lead a discussion on whether documenting traditional knowledge aids its preservation or lead…
Author: Manavi Jain
ALG Principal Manavi Jain reports in the INTA Bulletin the Delhi High Court’s Order in Red Bull AG v. Bakewell Biscuits Private Limited [CS(COM) 227/2021].…
Featuring: Hardik Choudhary
A ‘Legal Issues Seminar-General IP’ (LIS-GIP) was conducted by Hardik Choudhary, Associate, on “Are Motion Trade Marks Protected?”. The seminar delved into the evolving protection…
Featuring: Sannidhi Mahapatra and Dishti Titus
A Special Legal Issues Seminar (SLIS) was conducted by Sannidhi Mahapatra, Associate and Dishti Titus, Principal, presenting the firm’s submissions made in response to the…
Authors: Pranay Bali and Nayantara Malhotra
ALG’s Pranay Bali, Principal and Nayantara Malhotra, Senior Associate, recently wrote an article titled ‘To Block or Not to Block?: Analyzing the Efficacy of Website…