Author: Intern - Himani Jaruhar
In the matter of Nishi Gupta vs. Cattle Remedies, [W.P. (C) 13710/2018 & CM Appl. 53530/2018], a single judge [J.R. Midha, J.] of the High…
Author: Intern - Saranya Dash
Introduction Section 15(3) (a) of The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Right Act, 2001 specifies that a plant variety would be novel “if harvested…
Author: Intern - Aakaanksha Akella
In the matter of Machani Infra Development Corporation Private Limited v. K. Anand, Case No. D2021-1352, the Sole Panelist [Assen Alexiev] of an Administrative Panel…
Author: Intern - Gazal Sancheti
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has published the seventh edition of its quinquennial UNESCO Science Report on June 11, 2021, titled…
Featuring: Shreya Das
A ‘Legal Issues Seminar-General IP’ (LIS-GIP) was conducted by Shreya Das, Associate, on “Whether Expenditure incurred for procuring Software from a Non-Resident is Taxable as…