Author: Shreya Kunwar
Intellectual property (IP) is a form of intangible property and therefore outside the ambit of the conventional definition of a property. Nevertheless, the role of…
Author: Sannidhi Mahapatra
Introduction To uniquely identify a product based on its geographical location of production, production technique, and quality, a Geographical Indication (GI) tag plays a pivotal…
Author: Shreya Das
Citation: Bashir, Bisma; Nasreen, Nahida; and Loan, Fayaz Ahmad, "National Digital Library of India: An Overview" (2019). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 2601. <> Introduction: …
Author: Intern - Yash Raj
In the matter of Piyush Subhashbhai Ranipa v. State of Maharashtra [2021 SCC OnLine Bom 350], a single judge [Sarang V. Kotwal, J.] of the…
Featuring: Hardik Choudhary
A ‘Legal Issues Seminar’ (LIS) was conducted by Hardik Choudhary, Associate, on “Whether Separate Royalties need to be paid for Sound Recordings, Cinematographic Films and…