The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India has decided to block access to 118 mobile apps (including PUBG, APUS Launcher, Baidu, etc.)…
The Ministry of Electronics and IT, Government of India has launched ‘Chunauti’, a challenge to boost Start-ups and software products with special focus on Tier-II…
Author: Dishti Titus
Introduction Brands constantly innovate to adopt multiple and unique ways to identify themselves with their offerings with the objective of creating a lasting impression in…
Author: Krithika Muthuraman
In the matter of M/s. Arudra Engineers Private Limited v. M/s. Pathanjali Ayurved Limited & Anr. [O.A. No. 258 of 2020, A. Nos. 1532 and…
The Myanmar Government announced that the soft opening period of the Myanmar Department of Intellectual Property (MDIP) under its new trademark law will begin on…