ALG’s Sakthiya Dakshi attended the BioAsia Conference held at the HICC, Hyderabad. She enjoyed spending time in learning about many interesting products of large number…
We are pleased to share that ALG is listed in World Trademark Review’s 2020 edition of WTR 1000 amongst India’s top prosecution and strategy firms.…
ALG’s 2020 Annual Picnic was on February 15, 2020, in Lodhi Garden. The team enjoyed a beautiful, fun filled day with an assortment of yummy…
ALG’s Sakthiya Dakshi will be attending BioAsia conference in Hyderabad from February 17th - 19th, 2020. If you’re around and would like to meet, please…
In the matter of Shyam Steel Industries Limited v. Shyam SEL and Power Limited and Another [APO No. 91 of 2019 With CS 63 of 2019],…