ALG’s Ashwani Balayan and Aparna Sreedhar enjoyed connecting with friends and colleagues during various sessions and committee meetings at American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA)…
ALG is pleased to announce the promotion of Sakthiya Dakshi as a Partner, taking the total number of partners at the firm to 7. The…
Author: Sri Lekha
In the matter of Intellectual Property Attorneys Association v. The Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks & Anr.[W.P.(C) 3851/2019], the Delhi High Court,…
This year ALG came together to celebrate a green and eco-friendly Diwali. The evening was full of lights, laughter and good food!
In the civil suit titled Amrish Agarwal v. M/S Venus Home Appliances Pvt. Ltd., [CM (M) 1059/2018] the Delhi High Court (Singh, J.) has, vide…