Featuring: Intern - Sravani K
In the matter of Samir Kasal v Prashant Mehta & Ors. [2022 (89) PTC 432 (Del)], a Single Judge [Asha Menon J.] of the High…
General IP Interns – Joanna Joshua and Akrama Javed (Pre-Final Year Interns); Shouraseni Chakraborty, Sravani K and Soundarya Rathor (Final Year Intern) have successfully completed…
Featuring: Samreen Iboo Sait
A ‘Legal Issues Seminar-General IP’ (LIS-GIP) was conducted by Samreen Iboo Sait, Associate, on “Can Customer Data be Protected as Trade Secrets?”. The seminar explored…
Author: Intern - Soundarya Rathor
In the matter of ANI Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Ors. v. State of Karnataka and Ors., [W.P. No. 32942 of 2017 (GM-RES)], a Single Judge…
Featuring: Abhilasha Rathore
During last week’s Practice Work Shop (PWS) Session, Abhilasha Rathore Associate, led a discussion on 'Is Prior IP Training Required for Judges Adjudicating IP Disputes?'.…