Reported By: Uroosa Shahzad
The Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks has now launched a chatbot – IP Saarthi, which offers to revolutionise IP…
Featuring: Sheja Ehtesham and Ashwani Balayan
ALG’s Sheja Ehtesham and Ashwani Balayan will be attending the International Trademark Association (INTA) Leadership Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA from November 12-15. The…
Author: Shreyak Patnaik
In the matter of Mr. Amrish Aggarwal Trading as Mahalaxmi Product v. M/s Venus Home Appliances Private Limited & Anr [2024:DHC:3911-DB], a Division Bench (Yashwant…
Recently, Samreen Iboo Sait, Senior Associate, PoSH Trainer, and Coordinator for the Diversity & Inclusion section at ALG, led an interactive, offline training on the…
Featuring: Manish Kumar and NamanKeswani
A ‘Special Legal Issues Seminar- General IP’ (LIS-GIP) was conducted by Manish Kumar and Naman Keswani, Trainee Associates, on “Year in Review – Notable IP…